Board of Directors
This is the top executive body of the company, consisting of five members elected in November every five years by producers, who are the Cooperative's partners. Directors elected takeover their positions in March of the following year.
Sr. Gabriel Fernández Secco
Sr. José Alejandro Pérez Viazzi
Sr. Juan Parra
Sr. Daniel Laborde
Sr. Álvaro Lapido
Cr. Gabriel Valdés
Sr. Juan Raúl Andiarena
Ing. Agr. Álvaro Vera
Sr. Mario Julio Dighiero
Lic. Gastón Pescetto
Ing. Agr. Ana Echenique
Lic. Francisco Petrúngaro
Ing. Gabriel Oleggini
Cra. Virginia Torchelo
Ing. Eleazar Polak
Cr. José Luis Rial
Ing. Irene Rossello
Lic. Pablo Nieto
Ing. Lucas Baptista
Ing. Andrea Álvarez
Ing. Agustín D'Angelo
Sr. Alejandro Mac Eachen
Lic. Mauricio Suárez
Ing. Victoria Fitipaldi
Ing. Gonzalo Senra
Cr. Alejandro Hernández