

Совет Директоров:

Это главный исполнительный орган приедприятия, состоящий из пяти членов, избираемых в ноября каждые пять лет, производителями – членами кооператива. Директора вступают в должность в марте следующего года.

Sr. Gabriel Fernández Secco

Sr. Gabriel Fernández Secco

Sr. José Alejandro Pérez Viazzi

Sr. José Alejandro Pérez Viazzi

Sr. Juan Parra
Member of the directory

Sr. Juan Parra

Sr. Daniel Laborde
Member of the directory

Sr. Daniel Laborde

Sr. Álvaro Lapido
Member of the directory

Sr. Álvaro Lapido

Финансовая комиссия
Sr. Juan Raúl Andiarena
Fiscal Committee

Sr. Juan Raúl Andiarena

Ing. Agr. Álvaro Vera
Fiscal Committee

Ing. Agr. Álvaro Vera

Sr. Mario Julio Dighiero
Fiscal Committee

Sr. Mario Julio Dighiero

Управленческий комитет
Lic. Gastón Pescetto

Lic. Gastón Pescetto

Human Capital


Ing. Agr. Ana Echenique
Quality, Innovation and sustainability

Ing. Agr. Ana Echenique

Lic. Francisco Petrúngaro

Lic. Francisco Petrúngaro

Ing. Gabriel Oleggini

Ing. Gabriel Oleggini

Cra. Virginia Torchelo
Internal Audit

Cra. Virginia Torchelo

Ing. Eleazar Polak

Ing. Eleazar Polak

Cr. José Luis Rial

Cr. José Luis Rial

Ing. Irene Rossello
Operations and Nutrition

Ing. Irene Rossello

Lic. Pablo Nieto

Lic. Pablo Nieto

Planning and technological transformation


Ing. Lucas Baptista
Montevideo Industrial Complex

Ing. Lucas Baptista

Управление промышленными заводами
 Ing. Andrea Álvarez
Mercedes Industrial Plant

Ing. Andrea Álvarez

Ing. Agustín D'Angelo
Rincón del Pino Industrial Plant

Ing. Agustín D'Angelo

Sr. Alejandro Mac Eachen
Rivera Industrial Plant

Sr. Alejandro Mac Eachen

Lic. Mauricio Suárez
Florida Industrial Complex

Lic. Mauricio Suárez

Ing. Victoria Fitipaldi
San Ramón Industrial Complex

Ing. Victoria Fitipaldi

Ing. Gonzalo Senra
Villa Rodríguez Industrial Complex

Ing. Gonzalo Senra

Cr. Alejandro Hernández
Compliance Officer

Cr. Alejandro Hernández